Πλοήγηση στο Αποθετήριο ανά Δημιουργός Whittaker, Gillian

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Ταξινόμηση ανά: Σε σειρά: Αποτελέσματα/σελίδα: Συγγραφείς/εγγραφή:
Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 2 από 2
13-Δεκ-2000Confidence is high as the euro beckons- Athens lines up a smooth entry- Turnover yet to recover from big fall- Battle for market share takes toll on earnings- Order books for tankers enjoying a boom- Aegean market set for some freedom- Modernisation is the priority- Smooth flight to quality, loyalty- Turkish markets hold risk appeal- Investors will need some convincing- E-commerce is still in its infancy- Swelling numbers change attitudes- Where Olympic eyes will focus- Seeking some more 'class'Hope, Kerin; Simkins, John; Whittaker, Gillian
11-Νοέ-2003Modernisation campaign faces Olympian test- Old leaders face new country- Leading in the final straight- Fierce competition has improved efficiency- Careful to keep their prudent reputation- Profile National Bank: Boosting its role in the Balkans- Closing the prosperity gap- Seeking the right place for a foundation stone- Criminals exploit $2bn business- Young Muslims get mobile- Owners face stormy waters- Making up a fresh face to display to the world- Charting a fresh course- A long jump on the road to the Games- Building a safer site to work onHope, Kerin; Whittaker, Gillian; Clark, Bruce; McDonald, Robert; Αθανασιάδης, Ιάσων
Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 2 από 2