Πλοήγηση στο Αποθετήριο ανά Δημιουργός Verhofstadt, Guy

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Ταξινόμηση ανά: Σε σειρά: Αποτελέσματα/σελίδα: Συγγραφείς/εγγραφή:
Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 11 από 11
17-Δεκ-2010Agenda- Meeting Spinelli Steering Group: Vrussels 12 January 2011Verhofstadt, Guy
2011The economic governance that the EU needsVerhofstadt, Guy
4-Φεβ-2011First Shadow Council Meeting 22-03-2011- Conclusions of the 2nd Spinelli-Group Steering Committee 12 December 2011Verhofstadt, Guy
2-Μάρ-2011Europe must plan a reform, not a pactVerhofstadt, Guy; Delors, Jacques; Prodi, Romano
10-Μάρ-2011Quand les grands pays européens s'entendent pour imposer leur loi aux petits: La montée en puissance du Conseil européen nuit aux institutions de l'UEVerhofstadt, Guy
15-Μάρ-2011First Shadow Council Meeting 22-03-2011- Draft Conclusions Shadow Council: For a European Action PlanVerhofstadt, Guy
11-Οκτ-2011Cancellation Shadow Council of 17 October 2011Verhofstadt, Guy
31-Οκτ-2011Invitation Shadow Council 8-12-2011Verhofstadt, Guy
8-Νοέ-2011Spinelli Group Shadow Council 8-12-2011Verhofstadt, Guy
29-Φεβ-2012Germany knows way to solve crisisVerhofstadt, Guy
26-Ιούν-2012Spinelli Shadow Meeting 28June- Shadow Council Draft Conclusion 21-6-2012 final: Only a European federal union can solve the crisis! Federal Union or disintegrationVerhofstadt, Guy
Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 11 από 11