Πλοήγηση στο Αποθετήριο ανά Δημιουργός Kösters, Wim

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Ταξινόμηση ανά: Σε σειρά: Αποτελέσματα/σελίδα: Συγγραφείς/εγγραφή:
Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 1 από 1
2010Challenges facing European Monetary Union: How to deal with the threat of sovereign default in Europe: Towards a Euro(pean) Monetary Fund- Legal evaluation of a European Monetary Fund- Crisis resolution in the euro area: An alternative to the European monetary Fund- The IMF is better suited than an EMF to deal with potential sovereign defaults in the eurozone- Beyond the crisis- The Greek conundrum and EMU reform- Rules and assignment or discretion and coordination?- The Greek crisis and the future of the eurozone- Greece's threat to the euroGros, Daniel; Mayer, Thomas; Häde, Ulrich; Pisani-Ferry, Jean; Sapir, André; Matthes, Jürgen; Mabbett, Deborah; Schelkle, Waltraud; Kösters, Wim; Grauwe, Paul de; Lachman, Desmond
Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 1 από 1